Available Features in AVS Registry Cleaner es Kr Patch
UK Full Version Software -
- Using this program you can erase information that is no
longer used, has remained incomplete after ‘uninstallation or ‘incorrect
removal of software , or ‘serves to activate malicious software .
- Using this program you can return to the previous state
changes made to the registry if necessary.
- Using this program you can erase unnecessary temporary
files created by different applications or operating system.
- Using this program you can delete temporary data browser ,
called cache .
- Using this program you can delete labels that refer to the
wrong location.
- Using this program you can uninstall corrupted
applications .
- Using this program you can quickly and easily back up a
registry and system.
- Using this program you can restore the system files and
the ‘Windows registry’ in the initial state before the cleaning.
Release: 2013
Operating System : Windows XP / Vista / 7/8
Language : Multilingual
Solution : patch
Size: 9.1 MB
Setup + Patch
Setup + Patch
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