Available Features in Advanced Batch Converter de 7.6 kr
Serial ru Full Version Software:
- Capture Screen
- Creating a Desktop Wallpaper
- Slideshow
- Special module for saving graphics for the Web
- More than 100 effects and filters
- Print
- Scan images
- Renaming a group of files using a mask
- Converting colors HTMLRGB
Supported formats:
bmp, rle, dib, rl4, rl8, sys, gif, giff, jpg, jpeg, jpe,
jif, jfif, jfi, thm, j, png, jng, mng, tif, tiff, fax, g3f, g3n, tim, g3, xif,
tga, targa, tar, afi, pix, bpx, psd, pdd, pcd, wmf, emf, psp, pcc, pcx, scr,
dcx, jp2, j2k, jpc, jpx, j2c, pic, cel, icb, vda, win, vst, tpic, tpi, cut,
pal, rgb, rgba, sgi, bw, int, inta, iri, iris, rla, rpf, ppm, pbm, pgm, pxm,
rppm, rpgm, rpbm, rpxm, rpnm, rpp, rpg, rpb, rpx, rpn, ico, cur, ani, eps, 411,
wbmp, wbm, wap, crw, cr2, nef, raw, pef, raf, x3f, bay, orf, srf, mrw, dng,
dcr, dicom, dcm, dic, jbg, jbig, jbi, bie, avs, cin, dot, dpx, fits, fit, fpx,
hdf, mat, miff, mif, mtv, palm, pal, pcl, pict, pix, pwp, sun, svg, ttf, vicar,
vic, viff, vif, xbm, xcf, xpm, avi, mpeg, mpe, mpg and wmv.
Advanced Batch Converter 7.6 Serialdoes exactly what its
title suggests, allowing you to easily convert multiple graphics files at the
click of a button. More than that, you can also edit images directly in
Advanced Batch Converter, to produce a variety of effects (resize, rotate,
flip, mirror, crop, filters, watermarks, morphing effects, color enhancements
Advanced Batch Converter 7.6 Serial- The program supports 44
file formats to which you can convert: bmp, dib, rle, gif, jpg, jpeg, tif,
tiff, png, pcx, pcc, dcx, tga, wmf, emf, ico, pbm, jng, jp2, j2k, ps, eps, pdf,
wbmp, psd, wap, raw, pcd, cin, dot, dpx, fits, fpx, hdf, miff, pict, sgi, sun,
vicar, viff, hdp, wdp, xbm and xpm.
Advanced Batch Converter 7.6 Serial- The original file can
be in practically any current file format, as Advanced Batch Converter has
support for over 180 file types: bmp, rle, dib, rl4, rl8, sys, gif, giff, jpg,
jpeg, jpe, jif, jfif, jfi, thm, j, png, jng, mng, tif, tiff, fax, g3f, g3n,
tim, g3, xif, tga, targa, tar, afi, pix, bpx, psd, pdd, pcd, wmf, emf, psp,
pcc, pcx, scr, dcx, jp2, j2k, jpc, jpx, j2c, pic, cel, icb, vda, win, vst,
tpic, tpi, cut, pal, rgb, rgba, sgi, bw, int, inta, iri, iris, rla, rpf, ppm,
pbm, pgm, pxm, rppm, rpgm, rpbm, rpxm, rpnm, rpp, rpg, rpb, rpx, rpn, ico, cur,
ani, eps, 411, wbmp, wbm, wap, crw, cr2, nef, raw, pef, raf, x3f, bay, orf,
srf, mrw, dng, dcr, dicom, dcm, dic, jbg, jbig, jbi, bie, avs, cin, dot, dpx,
fits, fit, fpx, hdf, mat, miff, mif, mtv, palm, pal, pcl, pict, pix, pwp, sun,
svg, ttf, vicar, vic, viff, vif, xbm, xcf, arw, bmq, cs1, dc2, erf, fff, hdr,
ia, k25, kc2, kdc, mdc, mos, pxn, rdc, sr2, hdp, wdp, sti, xpm, pdf, eps, ps,
ai, ps2, ps3, eps2, eps3, epsi, epsf, epi, ept, avi, mpeg, mpe, mpg and wmv. Advanced
Batch Converter 7.6 Serial- The actual conversion process is extremely fast,
with the whole process being over in the blink of an eye.
The user interface couldn't be any easier, making use of
icons wherever possible and keeping buttons to a minimum. This results in an
uncluttered layout that allows the user to concentrate on the job at hand,
rather than working out what everything does.
Advanced Batch Converter 7.6 User Serial- All images can be
viewed directly inside the program, with various details about the image being
displayed, such as file size, image size and image name. Images can also be
printed directly from within Advanced Batch Converter.
Advanced Batch Converter es 7.6 Serial- Along with the
ability to batch convert you can, of course, carry out single conversions. It
also includes full support for carrying out conversions (batch or otherwise)
through the use of Command Line input. This enables you to carry out
conversions without the use of the GUI, and to execute these from within other
Image conversion is becoming increasingly essential in
today's multimedia world, and this is a powerful and cheap option to carry out
the task.
Release: 2013
Version: 7.6
Operating System: Windows 95/98/2000/Me/XP/Vista/7/8
Language: Multilingual
Solution: serial
Size: 7.06 MB
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